Advanced Certificate Course in Plantation Accounting, Financial & Cost Management

Advanced Certificate Course in Plantation Accounting, Financial & Cost Management
Starts from:Fri, September 1, 2023

M.D.H. Jayawardana Mw,Athurugiriya,Sri Lanka

Apply Now
Course Feature
  • Medium English
  • Duration 15 months
  • Course Type Certificate
  • Venue NIPM - Athurugiriya
  • Course Fee Rs 65,000 /- per paticipent
Course Description



To assist self and career development
To upgrade knowledge and skills of executives and non-executives for effective supervision
and better Financial Management to achieve higher productivity and maximize profitability.
To develop and understand the concepts involved in accounting & financial management
To enhance the performance in their respective careers in the plantation industry.
To increase productivity in the sector by applying modern accounting & financial
management techniques

Lectures (online/onsite), practical sessions, group discussions, presentations and assessments.

  1. ACCPAFM01 – Financial Accounting
  2. ACCPAFM02 – Cost Accounting
  3. ACCPAFM03 – Plantation Accounting
  4. ACCPAFM04 – Auditing & Taxation
  5. ACCPAFM05 – Management Accounting
  6. ACCPAFM06 – Information Technology

