Course Feature
Course Code HD 02
MEDIUM Sinhala/English
Duration 18 months
Course Type Diploma Programme
Venue NIPM - Athurugiriya
Course Price Rs. 145000
Course Description
Academic Courses particularly designed to uplift the skills of the participants and enhance their competencies. In order to award the certificates for these courses, the participants are required to maintain a satisfactory academic record and meet the obligations mentioned in the course modules which they are enrolled. The following courses are included in the category of Academic programs.
Lectures, demonstrations, practical sessions, group discussions, presentations and assessments.
Both online and onsite lectures will be arranged over two (02) weekends per month.
Superintendents, Asst. Superintendents of estates, Executives of plantation companies, private estates, Planters / Proprietors attached to tea, rubber & coconut smallholder sector / livestock development / animal husbandry, cashew, export agricultural crops / sugarcane industry & agricultural sector who have the following qualifications & experience are eligible to apply for this diploma course.
- To assist self and career development
- To upgrade the academic status of extension personnel by using the following methods
in order to be better equipped in handling crop-based extension programmes - Training on theoretical and practical aspects of extension activitiesProviding better understanding and wider knowledge in relevant fields, to identify obstacles/problems and suggest remedial measures
- To prepare candidates towards obtaining the degree
24 months – lectures to be conducted over 02 week-ends per month (Saturday and Sunday)
Rs. 145000/- (inclusive of lectures, course materials, practical sessions and field visits etc.)
- NVQ Level 4 Certificate in the relevant field or passed G.C.E. A/L (Science/ Agri./Tech.) or passed
G.C.E. A/L (other streams) with 2 years working experience in the relevant field
or - Those who are eligible to receive the NVQ Certificate. (Candidates who have not qualified G.C.E.
A/L, with plantation sector experience are able to get NVQ 3/4 certificate under RPL (Recognition
of Prior Learning system)