S.N Illangantilake

Training Specialist Agric. Econ
Training Specialist Agric. Econ
Training Specialist Agric. Econ
Academic Qualification
Mrs. Illangathilaka, did her MSc in Kuban State Univercity & BSc too, at the same University in Agriculture. Since 1995, was a Research Student Fellow at Institute of Fundamental Studies and thereafter, Engaged as Training Officer at NIPM till 2013. Presently functions & delivers a significant assignment of Training Specialist (Agri.Econ.) at NIPM whilst covering the subjects of , Assess Training Needs, Develop circular of academic courses, Planning & Organization of training sessions, Participate in Training & Consultancy Activities of NIPM in the subtle field of Agriculture Economics, Execution of research & surveys affiliated to Plantations, Delivery of educational lectures on discipline, Coordinate & Evaluation of Board of Study in academic courses; Conduct of regular examinations periodically. Accreditation to her mandate, professionally qualified in
- Advanced computer application in management at Sri Lanka Institute of Development Administration.
- National Diploma in Phycology at Sri Lanka Foundation Institute.
- Diploma in Human Resource Management at Institute of Personal Management.
- Mrs. Illangathilaka, successfully ordained international training in Netherlands.
- India and Thailand on intensive plantation Management. Similar educative refresher courses were followed locally, as well.
- Her wide array of academic and functional experience are of a tower of strength to NIPM in order to uplift the mandate with advocacy of advantages towards in-depth implementation.