Course Feature
Course Code CC 06
MEDIUM English
Duration 1 year
Course Type Diploma Programme
Venue NIPM - Athurugiriya
Course Price 85000
Course Description
Academic Courses particularly designed to uplift the skills of the participants and enhance their competencies. In order to award the certificates for these courses, the participants are required to maintain a satisfactory academic record and meet the obligations mentioned in the course modules which they are enrolled. The following courses are included in the category of Academic programs.
Objectives – To assist self and career development Develop path to participants up to diplomas and degree programmes
Methodology – Lectures, demonstrations, practical sessions, group discussions, presentations
assessments and field studies
Superintendents, Asst. Superintendents of estates, Executives of plantation companies, private estates, Planters / Proprietors attached to tea, rubber & coconut smallholder sector / livestock development / animal husbandry, cashew, export agricultural crops / sugarcane industry & agricultural sector who have the following qualifications & experience are eligible to apply for this diploma course.
Sat for the G.C.E. (O/L) Examination
- To assist self and career development Develop path to participants up to diplomas and degree programmes
12 months ( residential)
06 months - Theory & Practical
06 months - on the job training
Fee: 85000
- Sat for the G.C.E. (O/L) Examination
- Tea Nursery Techniques
- New Clearings
- Mature Areas
- Administrative and Operational Records at Divisional Level
- Plucking of Green Leaf
- Handling of Green Leaf and Post-Harvest Conditions
- Performing Supervisory/Administrative Functions
- Development of Human Resources